A little about us

Hello and welcome to Mod Mob. A lifestyle blog by two childhood friends, Emma and Brenda. Both originally from Ireland, Emma currently lives in London and Brenda near Boston. We love to talk about food, style, travel, photography, kids, love, and design. If you like you can find out more in our about page and if you want you can drop us a line at modmobdesign@gmail.com.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Oh happy Friday

Happy, happy Friday everyone. I am so glad that the weekend is coming. My son Conall turned 9 on Wednesday and to celebrate we went to a local 50's style diner. It was so much fun. We hogged the jukebox, sang along to our our favourite Beatles tracks and chowed on mega juicy burgers and malty milkshakes with cherries on top.

It's great to be back online after the move. I realised just how dependent on social media I have become. I missed my lazy blog-hopping mornings and my twitter account was inundated with unread tweets about food I need to eat, places I need to go and people I would like to meet. Let's just say I have been 'busy ' catching up with blogtopia and avoiding unpacking at all costs.

This weekend will be spent chaperoning a gang of hyper 9 year old boys at the new Avengers movie  on Saturday and doing the unpacking I didn't do all week. 

I hope you all have a truly lovely weekend,

Brenda x


It's nice to be nice, that means you anonymous.