Mod Mob is a lifestyle blog run by two childhood friends both originally from Ireland and now currently living on opposite sides of the pond, Brenda near Boston, U.S.A. and Emma in London, U.K.
Neither of us have lived in the same country at the same time for over six years. Both leading busy, separate lives, our main point of communication these days is via social media. We share our new found passions with each other on Facebook, we swap links to recipes we like, or dresses we would like to buy, and so for fun, we have decided to share the link-love with you.
We aim to provide a link in every post to a website where you can make direct inquiries about anything you see or read here. We will never share anything that we would not use or love ourselves. The goal is to bring you whats fresh and new in everything from interior design, fashion and style, travel and photography, and food and entertainment from around the world. Basically all the stuff we find and love on the web.
Mod Mob will also feature a number of regular columns about motherhood, top travel guides, relationships, and everything in between, where we will invite you to join in. We promise to keep it simple and current, just enough to provide a little fun for your lunch-time. We want to hear your opinions, so feel free to comment on or share any post you like, as long as you link back here.
Check in regularly and do join in, but please share the love right now, and give us a like on Facebook, become a follower or sign up to follow the mob via e-mail.
If you have any suggestions of your own for columns or products you would like to see featured on Mod Mob, or if you would like to sponsor our site, please contact us at
Every post on Mod Mob has a photo attached. We will always attempt to give credit to the photographer or source. It's not always an easy thing to do so if you happen upon something here that you own or have rights to please contact us and we will remove it immediately.
Check in regularly and do join in, but please share the love right now, and give us a like on Facebook, become a follower or sign up to follow the mob via e-mail.
If you have any suggestions of your own for columns or products you would like to see featured on Mod Mob, or if you would like to sponsor our site, please contact us at
Every post on Mod Mob has a photo attached. We will always attempt to give credit to the photographer or source. It's not always an easy thing to do so if you happen upon something here that you own or have rights to please contact us and we will remove it immediately.
If you like what you see here on Mod Mob Brenda has developed a sister-site called Mod Erin which highlights all that is beautiful in Irish design. You can visit the site by clicking on the Mod Erin tab at the top of the page.
Image:Le Secret, Eglantine et Laurence | photo by Jean-Philippe Charbonnier, Paris 1979