A little about us

Hello and welcome to Mod Mob. A lifestyle blog by two childhood friends, Emma and Brenda. Both originally from Ireland, Emma currently lives in London and Brenda near Boston. We love to talk about food, style, travel, photography, kids, love, and design. If you like you can find out more in our about page and if you want you can drop us a line at modmobdesign@gmail.com.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mod Love: all the single ladies

Are you dreading spending February 14th alone or even worse still, curled up on the couch watching "The Holiday", seventh time around, and wishing you were Cameron Diaz? Are your best friends are all hooked up, and out with their other halves being wined and dined?

Fear not, there is still time. Over a year ago, I was paddlin that boat. So, here's (in brief) what I did.
I joined an internet dating site.

Now, before you scoff at it as I first did - and think, I'm not that desperate - there was method in my madness. First of all, where else can you sift through thousands - and I mean thousands of eligible ( I use this word loosely) men, all SINGLE and find the man of your dreams? Again, a loose term as you will soon find out. Internet dating is a whole new ball game, one we will discuss another day. 

As for today, all I want is to empower you to just put yourself out there, just as I did and go for it. Do it now, right now,  cyber wink, text him, message him on Facebook, walk right up to him and ask him out !

take the plunge and hit the dating sites. There are so many to choose from, so a bit of research is advised. The main ones are free to join so even if you are a little shy at first, it costs nothing to go online for a look! You will be up and running in no time.

However you do it, wherever you do it, make sure you come back and tell me all about it in the comment box below. I'll be waiting. 

If not, The Holiday is a cracking film and Jude Law is a perfect date in my eyes!

Image credit: 1.Tea Shafie flickr 2. Unknown

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