A little about us

Hello and welcome to Mod Mob. A lifestyle blog by two childhood friends, Emma and Brenda. Both originally from Ireland, Emma currently lives in London and Brenda near Boston. We love to talk about food, style, travel, photography, kids, love, and design. If you like you can find out more in our about page and if you want you can drop us a line at modmobdesign@gmail.com.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Oh Happy Friday

Well our first full week is done here on Mod Mob, and it's been fun. We hope you have found something to suit your love in our gift-guides and that we given you the nerve to grab that date for the big night. Emma is still looking good on the piste in France. Her Facebook updates are making me very jealous, as our first New England winter has been powder-less ....so far.

Any nice plans for the weekend ? I will be busy packing tonight as we are about to make our first trip home to Ireland since moving here almost 9 months ago. Excited is an understatement !

I am looking forward to seeing my family, eating some curry chips, sitting in a real pub, and yes, having a pint with friends. It's true, sometimes you want to go where everyone knows your name.  

Have a good one, and catch up next week when I will be blogging from the comfort of my Mammy's kitchen, and Emma will be back in the U.K., blogging part two of her romantic hot-spots. 

Here are a few posts I found and loved this week....

A cool Lady Bug.

Compile a can of dates.

Don't lose heart this close to Valentines Day.

Get crafty with the kids and make these love bug Valentines messages. 

Image credit:The Guardian.co.uk


  1. A few pints and some curry chips, cheap date Brenda ! Looking forward to seeing you all soon,

    1. Cheeky, very cheeky. Looking forward to seeing you all too!


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