A little about us

Hello and welcome to Mod Mob. A lifestyle blog by two childhood friends, Emma and Brenda. Both originally from Ireland, Emma currently lives in London and Brenda near Boston. We love to talk about food, style, travel, photography, kids, love, and design. If you like you can find out more in our about page and if you want you can drop us a line at modmobdesign@gmail.com.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mod Mum: because we love Lego

Having 3 boys we have enough Lego in this house to build our own great wall if we wanted. When Conall our 8 year old decides that he wants to be really creative, he tips the boxes upside down , spreads the stuff all across the floor, and sits in Lego heaven for hours designing spacecrafts that even NASA would be proud to call their own. The thing is that once he is done the cleaning up part only ever really get half done. I then spend the next few days in Lego hell as every time I need to go in to make beds or sniff out the smelly socks I step on a little man or worse, one of those little doors. Stepping on Lego is just about one of the sorest things you can do barefoot, and every-time it happens I swear that I will box it all up, and ship it off to some nice child who picks up after themselves. 

But imagine having Lego walls like these in your kids room.............

I'd imagine that the cleaning up part wouldn't be such a big deal. I'm seriously tempted.

1 comment:

  1. Really cool, would look great on one wall, might try this one myself....
    Orla O x


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