A little about us

Hello and welcome to Mod Mob. A lifestyle blog by two childhood friends, Emma and Brenda. Both originally from Ireland, Emma currently lives in London and Brenda near Boston. We love to talk about food, style, travel, photography, kids, love, and design. If you like you can find out more in our about page and if you want you can drop us a line at modmobdesign@gmail.com.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Mod Mum: Don't Say Cheese

While uploading photos from our recent trip to Ireland, I noticed that all of the pictures I have of my three boys together are all very alike. It's usually Tommie ( the baby), in the middle of the two older boys Niall, and Conall, all smiling with their cheesy best and usually sitting on a sofa or step of some sort. It's boring ! This month I decided that I am going to make a point of taking some quirkier pictures of them, but first needed a little inspiration.

One of my favourite sites at the moment is My Modern Met. I remembered seeing this great blog post on there calledA Father who creatively captures his Kids about wedding photographer Jason Lee who takes incredible shots of his two little girls. Luckily I did return to this post for a second look as they have since posted his top ten tips for taking great shots of your little ones. 

How cute are they ? 

Feeling inspired ? 

Images - Jason Lee via My Modern Met

1 comment:

  1. They are so cute ! How cool are they ! Would love to be able to do something like this. Thanks for the link to Modern Met, its a cool site !


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